
Endometrial Receptivity Analysis Test To Evaluate The Implantation Failure

  What Are The Causes Of Implantation Failure? There are a lot of reasons of implantation failure. 1 . Abnormal embryo-  If your embryo quality is poor then your implantation will be failed. Because poor embryo leads to genetic abnormalities and development issues. 2. Uterine receptivity problem: if the doctor does not see any genetic abnormalities in the embryo, they will proceed with the uterine receptivity test. This could be caused by many reasons, including thyroid, autoimmune functions, hormonal imbalances, anatomical issues: the position or the shape of the uterus; you would also notice this if there is any kind of problem with endometrial lining. To evaluate the correct reason of implantation failure take a test of  Endometrial Receptivity Analysis .